Voice messages will not play until play is selected. To begin playing voice messages automatically after opening, click here.
Voice messages will begin playing automatically after being opened. To keep voice messages from playing until play is selected, click here.
Voice messages will never be automatically decompressed when opened. To provide better playback performance and automatically decompress voice messages when opened on slower machines, click here.
On slower machines, voice messages will automatically be decompressed to a temporary file when opened to provide better playback performance. To prevent automatic decompression, click here.
Recording will not begin until record is selected. To begin recording automatically when new messages are created, click here.
Recording will begin automatically when new messages are created. To keep new voice messages from recording until record is selected, click here.
All PureVoice compression will occur at save time instead of record time. To allow Power Macintoshes to perform PureVoice compression while recording (which provides faster save times, but may not work well on very slow Power Macintoshes), click here.
Power Macintoshes will perform PureVoice compression while recording. This enables faster save times, but may not work well on very slow Power Macintoshes. To perform PureVoice compression at save time instead of record time, click here.
All 68K Macintoshes will use IMA compression when recording. This improves recording quality, but slower 68K Macintoshes may not be able to keep up. To allow use of Apple MACE 3:1 compression when recording on slower 68K Macintoshes, click here.
Slower 68K Macintoshes will use Apple MACE 3:1 compression when recording. This provides better performance for slower 68K Macintoshes at a slight sacrifice of quality. To always use IMA compression on 68K Macintoshes, click here.
Shorter, 8.3 compatible file names will be used when automatically generating voice message names during an attach. To use longer, more readable (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.qcp) names, click here.
Longer, more readable (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.qcp) names will be used when automatically generating voice message names during an attach. To use shorter, 8.3 compatible file names, click here.
Information on how to download the PureVoice Player/Recorder application will NOT be attached to email messages. To attach the PureVoice application download information, click here.
Information on how to download the PureVoice Player/Recorder application will be attached to email messages. To prevent attaching the PureVoice application download information, click here.
Voice messages will only be saved at the userΓÇÖs request. To automatically save voice messages when Attach is selected (unnamed messages will be assigned names based on the current date and time), click here.
Voice messages will automatically be saved when Attach is selected (unnamed messages will be assigned names based on the current date and time). To save voice messages only at the userΓÇÖs request, click here.
To set the recommended default preferences, click here.
To cancel any changes to your preferences and close this window, click here.
To save any changes to your preferences and close this window, click here.